Fluid Art Painting
Duration | 1 hour
Size | Rectangle: 30x30cm / 30x40cm / 40x60cm / Circle: Diameter 30cm / Custom sizes available
Material | Canvas frame
Price | Rectangle: HKD$300 / $350 / $500 / Circle: $300 / For custom sizes, please inquire (per person)
*Requires 1 to 3 days for processing (to dry), can be picked up at the studio by appointment, or delivered by SF Express with payment upon delivery.
95% off for groups of 2-4 people
More discounts are available for larger groups (Inquire for details)
Workshop Description|The Fluid Art Workshop is an experience that explores creativity and free expression. This art form utilizes special paints and mediums to allow colors to flow freely on the canvas, creating unique, abstract patterns and textures. The beauty of this art form lies in the fact that each piece is one of a kind, as the flowing colors and textures are unpredictable in each creative session. Not only can it help you develop creativity and the ability to express yourself freely, but it can also aid in relaxing your mind, reducing stress, and enhancing your perception of colors and textures. It is easy to create even for those with zero experience in arts and crafts, making it suitable for both adults and children to participate in.